With courtesy to: “The real meal revolution”
These tortillas are mind blowingly simple and the best ‘fake carb’ one could hope for while Banting! Enjoy and spread the word.
Carb free Tortillas or Cauli-wraps (Makes 6)
Cauli-wraps are another superb ‘fake carb’ for which we owe thanks to the cauliflower. They won’t keep as long as a standard tortilla so you’ll want to freeze them and defrost as needed.
500g cauliflower, cut into florets
4tbls psyllium husks
2 eggs
¼tsp salt
• Steam or boil the cauliflower until it is completely mushed
• Drain of any excess moisture then, using a stick blender or food processor, puree the cauliflower until smooth
• In a large mixing bowl or in a blender again, blend in the husks, eggs and salt and mix well
• Leave it to stand for 10 to 15 minutes to thicken into dough
• Break the dough into six balls and roll each one out into a tortilla shape. You could use coconut flour for dusting
• In a heavy based pan, dry fry each tortilla on a medium heat until nicely coloured on the inside and cooked in the middle
• You could also bake them in the oven but the edges do tend to dry out
Notes: You could substitute butternut or sweet potato in for cauliflower for the same, if not better, results. Just be aware that the carb content shoots up a fair amount.
Also makes a great pizza base!