Kindness chart


This re-usable chart will last you for years. It comes with a cute icon that you place in the middle (grey strip). When you catch your child being kind (like allowing their sibling to go first, sharing etc), say “That was kind. I am going to move you up a step on your kindness chart.” Every time there is unkindness (sticking out tongues, unwillingness to share, snatching etc), say “That was not kind. I am going to have to move you down your kindness chart” and move them a step down. Once they reach the top, there is a reward (not edible, rather something special they get to do with a parent or the family) and go back to the middle again. But if they get to the bottom, they get something they love taken away for 2 days (eg. no TV/lego/Barbies/Transformers for 2 days). Then go back to the middle of the chart again. Appropriate from 3 years +.



This re-usable chart will last you for years. It comes with a cute icon that you use to start in the middle. When you catch your child being kind (like allowing their sibling to go first, sharing etc), say “That was kind. I am going to move you up a step on your kindness chart.” Every time there is unkindness (sticking out tongues, unwillingness to share, snatching etc), say “That was not kind. I am going to have to move you down your kindness chart” and move them a step down. Once they reach the top, there is a reward (not edible, rather something special they get to do with a parent or the family) and go back to the middle again. But if they get to the bottom, they get something they love taken away for 2 days (eg. no TV/lego/Barbies/Transformers for 2 days). Then go back to the middle of the chart again. Appropriate from 3 years +.

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